
About CM2W Company

CM2W – Connect machines to web is a software development company, which provides different business profiles with the ability to remotely monitor and control a wide range of hardware equipment. The company is forwarder in the field with an innovative approach following the most advanced trends in the software development industry.


The company counts on highly trained, qualified, proven specialists in the field of Software and Hardware Development, Sales and Marketing Development.

Our software and hardware professionals take care of providing high-technological solutions to our clients and partners. They are specialized in developing integrated solutions for connecting all kind of machines to the web, allowing the clients to have full control and statistics in real time. The team also is creating web based user friendly platform with various features depending on the business demands of the client.

A team of Sales and Marketing specialist with a many years of experience in the field are focused on the management of the company`s sales operations and the practical application of marketing techniques managing company`s marketing resources and activities.


Our mission is to help business to foresee the potential of connectivity that is the core added value, which “Internet of Things” brings to business success.

CM2W Market Penetration